Issue 28/29 — The Wheel

issue 28-29: out of it

Table of contents

To Our Readers


Michael Plekon, Nones and Dones: America’s Changing Face(s) and Why People Don’t Go to Church

Katherine Kelaidis, The Gloaming of Christendom: Christianity at the End of Whatever This Is

personal stories

David O’Neal, “I’m Rejecting Nothing I Found in Orthodox Faith”

living tradition

James K. A. Smith and Geoffrey Ready, Is Liturgy Working? Secularization, Pluralism, and Christian Formation

personal stories

Maria Gwyn McDowell, “I Left the Orthodox Church Involuntarily”


Pantelis Kalaïtzidis, Olivier Clément, Theologian of Modernity

Michael Berrigan Clark, Sacred Atheism, or Atheism in the Service of Beauty

personal stories

Dmitry Sverdlov, “Everything Is a Bit More Complicated”


John A. Jillions, “Preserve the Fullness of Thy Church”: Fighting Fundamentalism, Defending Dialogue, and Reclaiming Catholicity

Efstathios Kessareas, The Church in Times of Crisis: A Refuge or a Driver for Change?

personal stories

Kathleen George, “Love Is the Most Important Thing in the Universe”


Ionut Biliuta, Outside the Bishops’ Omniscience, There Is No Freedom! The Romanian Orthodox Church in the Age of Autocracy

poetry desk

Elizabeth Scott Tervo, The Vise

personal stories

Michael Berrigan Clark, “I Feel Less Inclined to Jump Ship”

reading room

Michael Plekon, Abuse and Reform: Review of DeVille, Everything Hidden Shall Be Revealed

Liesl Coffin Behr, The AOC Reaches Out to the Nones: Review of Becoming Truly Human

Cyril Hovorun, Secularization Revisited: Review of Plekon, Community As Church, Church As Community