The Wheel publishes essays, criticism, poetry, images, and letters to the editor. Recent contributions have covered political theology, philosophy/philosophical theology, theological hermeneutics, natural science and church life, church history, hagiography, missiology, ecumenism, sacred arts, liturgy, theological ethics, and Orthodox current affairs. Original contributors of note have included John Behr, Peter Berger, Sergei Chapnin, George Democopoulos, Brandon Gallaher, Susan Holman, Pantelis Kalaitzidis, Nadieszda Kizenko, Vassa Larin, Andrew Louth, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Elizabeth Prodromou, Kallistos Ware, Rowan Williams, Gayle Woloschak, and Christos Yannaras.
Potential contributors should familiarize themselves with the journal before contacting the Editors. Proposals for articles and criticism should include a basic thesis statement and an explanation of why The Wheel provides a suitable context for this work. Poetry and visual essays should be submitted for review in full. All potential contributors should submit a short biography. The Editors are also happy to review completed manuscripts, which should be submitted with the same information required above.
The Wheel rarely publishes articles over 3,000 words and only by prior arrangement with the author, so all submissions should respect this limit. Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files.
Submissions and proposals should be sent to The Editors endeavor to respond to all inquiries promptly. If you do not receive a reply within four weeks, please send a follow-up query.
Submissions to The Wheel are first screened by the editorial board, which comprises academics and professionals in other fields. If a submission meets the journal’s basic standards and is deemed topically relevant, it is typically referred for review and editing by either a board member or an outside reviewer with subject expertise. It is unusual for the journal to accept a manuscript for publication “as is,” so authors should be prepared to make revisions based on editorial feedback.
Accepted submissions may not appear in print immediately, but contributors will ordinarily be notified of the issue in which their work will appear at the time of acceptance.
Letters in response to articles published in The Wheel are welcome, and will appear in the following issue, if they are deemed to contribute to the discussion. Letters should ideally be submitted within two months of the publication of an issue, in order to meet editorial deadlines. Submissions under five hundred words are preferred, and may be edited for length and clarity. Please send them to
Manuscript Preparation
Please ensure that your manuscript is written in clear, intelligible English. Manuscripts should follow the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style and, where appropriate for scholarly submissions, the SBL Handbook of Style.
Images are an important part of The Wheel, and authors are encouraged to suggest high-quality illustrations for their submissions.
RSV is our preferred Bible translation unless there is a specific reason to use a different one. If a translation from the Septuagint is used, the New English Translation of the Septuagint is preferred.
Biblical citations should be given in parentheses, while all other citations should be given in brief footnotes. Quotations, explicit criticisms of other authors, and other direct references warrant footnotes; additional references and extraneous commentary in notes are strongly discouraged and generally cannot be accommodated in our layout. In no case should the total number of words in footnotes exceed ten percent of the total number of words in the body of the article. Articles should not include a separate bibliography, “Works Cited,” or “Further Reading” section.
It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all footnotes are complete, accurate, and properly formatted. References to ancient sources should be documented in footnotes specifying the edition being cited. Standard scholarly abbreviations may be used in subsequent citations. For example: Methodios of Olympus, Fragment 10 on Job, in Patrologia Graeca, ed. J.-P. Migne (Paris, 1857–86) [hereafter PG], 18:408a. Translations of ancient sources are handled similarly. For example: Augustine, Letters of St. Augustine 28.3.5, in The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 1, ed. Philip Schaff (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1886–9) [hereafter NPNF], 1:252.
Quotations in non-English languages and non-Roman scripts may be incorporated in the article body, but should be brief and should be accompanied by English translation. In both the main text and in footnotes, the names of articles, books, and other publications should appear in their original language and script, but authors’ names should be transliterated into Roman script, following Library of Congress standards. The city of publication should be given according to standard English usage. The name of the press should be given in the original language and script.
Authors whose work is accepted will be asked to submit a brief biographical summary (about 2–3 sentences or 50–75 words) and a high-resolution headshot photograph. The bio and photo should be written in the third person, in a style appropriate to a scholarly publication.