Issue 23: "Eli, Eli, Sabachthani? "
in memoriam
Eulogy for Father Peter Scorer
the living tradition
Robert M. Arida, On the Cross of Our Lord
Archbishop Lazar (Puhalo), Thoughts on Suffering and Death
state of affairs
Gayle E. Woloschak, Life and Death in the Time of Covid-19
Vassa Larin, The Communion Spoon as Icon
Sergei Brun, Historical Revisionism and Contemporary Iconoclasm: A Secular Problem?
Harry Woontner, In Laughter and Tears
Liesl Coffin Behr, Everything Happens
constructing narratives
Katherine Kelaidis, What I Learned From Dracula: Death Between East and West with the Undead
field note
Raphael Lopoukhine, When the Crosses Fall in Silence
Sarah Byrne-Martelli, Julian’s Alleluia
Irina Kislina, Pascha is about Love and Life
Poetry Desk
Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, The Side of Life
Reading Room
Sergei Chapnin, Death and the Priest: Review of Alexander Schmemann, The Liturgy of Death
Michael Plekon, Christianity in the World: Review of Tom Holland, Dominion