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issue 33:

Table of contents

To Our Readers

living tradition

Geoffrey Ready, Monarchy and the Bible

state of affairs

David Heith-Stade, Kings and Canons: Regalism and Orthodox Canon Law

Joseph Clarke, “Defender of Faith”: Christian Monarchy and Religious Pluralism

annals of history

Alexander Garklavs, Empire and Autocephaly: A Brief Historical Sketch

Martin Dudley, “God’s Special Care”: Monarchy and the Orthodox Church

cloud of witnesses

Katherine Kelaidis and Inga Leonova, The Two Princesses

Xenia Loutchenko, Contested Bones

Annals of History

Michael Berrigan Clark, British Monarchy Through the Centuries

poetry desk

Oral Marrs, “The Holy Mountain”

reading room

Michael Plekon, Review of Rowan Williams, Looking East in Winter

Liesl Coffin Behr, Review of Gluschenko and Drygiankis, “On The Roads We Travelled”


Athanasios N. Papathanasiou, A Seed is Buried: Metropolitan Alexander of Nigeria (1960–2023)